Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inquiry Project

On Monday we will be reserving time for you to work on an INQUIRY lesson. Your projects will be due on 6/14. I am leaving the door open for WHAT you want your kids to CREATE, but they must be led to create something. You will be creating a model as well. Your inquiry project MUST include some type of composition project that is multimodal. You will be responsible for
  • Creating an assignment sheet online to get the kids started. Directions, objectives, links, procedures, expectation.
  • The RUBRIC, which will guide and facilitate your kids towards the end goal. Your rubric should include the final product, traditional literacies and anything else you want to "grade". More importantly it should allow them to "see" what is important and help them create a fantastic project.
  • Creating the PRODUCT. This is the "acquisition" that GEE was writing about, while it can be frustrating, you will acquire skills as you create. The model should be a stellar example for your kids to strive for.
Here are some sample choices....... Remember while we will be making a product, the goal is to facilitate students.......
  • comic book
  • pod cast
  • social networking project
  • powerpoint (with flow (music, movement, video)
Please post your initial idea with a curricular rationale by the weekend. Any resources you can bring to class to aid your project will come in handy.
  • create a website
  • any online web 2.0 composition based product


Louie's History Blog said...

My content area is social studies (history) and I am considering creating an assignment that students will be required to create a Facebook acount for a famous Canadian highlighting their contributions to Canadian history. i.e. a canadian scientist, athlete, political figure (dead or alive), women's rights, immigration activist etc.... A long list of potential persons would be provided for the class to pick from.

Chrisheena said...

My content area is English. I wanted the students to create a facebook page for a particular character. For example Jonas from "The Giver". Jonas goes through a journey and it is partially a coming of age story. His status updates would be about his days and the lessons he is learnning as he is being trained to become "the giver".

Deanna said...

My content area is business (for this task I will be focusing on Marketing). I will be asking them to put together a communication/advertising plan for a new cereal. I'll be assuming we've covered the main components of a communication plan. Their project will be two parts, the first a power point presentation addressing components such as brand, target market, product differentation, budget, etc. They will then be asked to do a radio commercial, again incorporating the key components above.
I am a bit concerned the scope of this lesson plan may be a bit too much but I will sort through those details as I work on the plan.

Gloria said...

My content area is French so I will have my students prepare a comic strip showing a way French culture has influenced their lives. Whether it be about an explorer discovering Canada, or an inventor, painter etc. This will give the students a chance to find something they are really interested in, a sub context within French studies. If they are interested in history, they can use the explorer. If they are interested in literature, they may use an author, etc. This strip will of course be in French, translated into English if required.

KWilkins said...

I teach Spanish, so I will base this project off of the travel and transportation unit. The students will create a travel brochure in Spanish for a chosen city using Glogster.com They will then link their glogster brochure to voice thread and do a 30 second-1 minute advertisement of their trip in Spanish.

Unknown said...

So far, great ideas. The FB plan will have you create a new FB for your character, you will also need to plan for the prompts, grouping, traditional literacy pieces and assessment.

GLORIA, if you can bring a FLASH drive so we can save the comic program and files to it, it will not save to the hard drives in the room.

Everyone else should be able to work their project online.

I am worried about everyone else who has not posted.

Jenna Marie Gervase said...

My concentration is history and I was planning on having students create three facebook pages for historical figures. They will be asked to choose three people who would have been contemporaries and post dialogue between them on the walls to demonstrate that they understand the relationships and interactions between these people.

Nick Glabicky said...

Kids like battles in my opinion and lucky for me, biology is full of battles. My assignment will be for the kids to create a comic book that has a battle going on. This battle will be focused on the immune system on an everyday infection. The kids are going to need to include some key players but overall its up to them as to how the battle progresses and what defenses are used.

Melissa Graham said...

My content area is biology and I want to have students create a comic book. The idea will be that they are scientific explorers that discover a new species of organism. The explorers observe the organism naturally and make connections about adaptations the organism has and how those adaptations help it in the environment in which it lives, with the predators it has, and with the prey it needs to catch.

Kim Murphy said...

My content area is biology. I want to have my students create a comic book. They are to recreate experiments by different famous scientists. For example Darwin they could do something on finches or Niels Bohr and his atom.

baberabbas said...

My Content area is Business..I want my students to create a facebook page of a famous entrepreneur of their choice..Should be rich in links, bio, quotes, pics etc..

Jason said...

My content area is Biology...I am going to create a FB project where students will have to create a facebook page representing someone important in Charles Darwin's life. Each student will then be required to post comments on a memorial page in Darwin's honor.